The KEMSOLID process is a system of soil stabilisation using an excavator attachment to inject and mix a defined concrete suspension in non-load bearing soils (KSI) that, when left to harden, create a homogenous, impermeable and frost resistant soil-cement structure. Depending on soil conditions and desired load bearing requirements, various concentrations of cement and binder fluid are used.
There are a wide range of applications where the KEMSOLID process can be used to improve the load bearing and permeability characteristics of soils. It can be used to seal large excavations or polluted areas. It can also be used to seal dams, dikes and bodies of water as well as creating a barrier to ground-borne vibration. It can be used to shore trenches and strengthen the ground supporting large build-ings such as logistic warehouses. It can also be used where traffic routes have to be built on poor ground or where the foundations of existing roads have to be improved to allow for higher traffic loads and speeds. These include, for exam-ple, construction sites for rapid transport and motorways.